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4.4 ( 9664 ratings )

Looking to expand your business? Join us now at e-Merchant today!

Your business could be seen by thousands of users using our e-TAX app.

Receive instant payments in terms of eCash from customers, or reward them with ePoints for discounts on their next purchase!

What is eCash?
e-TAX users will be rewarded with eCash upon subscribing to our taxation service. These eCash can be used as discounts on all e-Merchant partners. Users may get up to 20% discount of the total bill using eCash!

What is ePoint?
Customers will be rewarded with ePoint of up to 15% of their total bill when they have used up their eCash! Customers ePoints can be converted back to eCash for discounts in subsequent purchases.
*Merchant must own sufficient ePoint in order to accept payments from customers.

App Highlights

*Register as e-Merchant*
You may register through the app and once approved, you may start using immediately!

*Choice of Transaction Mode*
PIN mode - Not comfortable using your personal device for e-Merchant? Using PIN mode will prompt a 6 digit PIN to enter on your customers device.

Instant mode - Using instant mode allows you to verify payments from customers directly on your phone!

*Payment Verification*
Never have to worry about payments from your customer as youre able to verify each payment through the app.

*Transaction History*
View eCash and ePoint transaction history including top up of ePoints.

*Top Up ePoints*
Running out of ePoints? Top up now using your accumulated eCash, cash or even both!
*Different rates apply depending on top up method.

For any inquiry, please contact TOTAL ETAX APP SDN BHD
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +604 638 0479 / +6012 226 2343 / +6017 227 2343
Address: 1-4-8, I-Avenue, Medan Kampung Relau 1, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang.